
"Existentialism On Prom Night"

When the sun came up,
We we're sleeping in,
Sunk inside our blankets,
Sprawled across the bed,
And we we're dreaming,

There are moments when,
When I know it and
The world revolves around us,
And we're keeping it,
Keeping it all going,
This delicate balance,
Vulnerable all knowing,

Sing like you think no one's listening,
You would kill for this,
Just a little bit,
Just a little bit,
You would, kill for this

Sing like you think no one's listening,
You would kill for this,
Just a little bit,
Just a little bit,
You would, you would...

Sing me something soft,
Sad and delicate,
Or loud and out of key,
Sing me anything,
we're glad for what we've got,
Done with what we've lost
Our whole lives laid out right in front of us,

Sing like you think no one's listening,
You would kill for this,
Just a little bit,
Just a little bit,
You would,

Sing like you think no one's listening,
You would kill for this,
Just a little bit,
Just a little bit,
You would, you would....

Sing me something soft,
Sad and delicate,
Or loud and out of key,
Sing me anything.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------by STRAYLIGHT RUN

第一次聽到這首歌 就很喜歡它
那時候還不知道歌詞 因為每次都是邊聽邊做事
他給我的感覺就很像我當初聽到Powter的Bad Day一樣
很簡單的旋律 可是卻不會膩
看到了她的title : Existentialism On Prom Night ㄟ都 只能說這個應該算很符合文學吧!
雖然歌詞很簡單 只是重複一個單純的意境 一個很令人開心的意境
sing like you think no one's listening.........這個很簡單啊!
誰不會做勒 這支MV是在地鐵上面拍的 Sing like you think no one's listening
誰會在地鐵上面做這種事勒 誰會在大庭廣眾下sing like you think no one's listening
重點我想就在這裡吧! 雖然我還沒找到他跟標題的關聯性
每天都是同樣的routine 隨著軌道步調轉阿轉 維持所謂的balance 指的是平靜規律的生活嗎?
因為隨時會有任何莫名的事情打亂步調 感覺很神經過敏 !?
副歌的sing like you think no one's listening, you would kill for this.
關於這個部分我懂 唱歌的時候感覺真的很好 尤其是不用在乎他人眼光感受時大聲唱歌 把全身的力氣拿出來唱歌
不用想其他人的感受 不用管key對不對 這真的很開心
歌的意思是指自由嗎? 自由自在的做著自己想做的事!? 現代人最缺乏的夢想吧!?
anyway 這首歌真的很可愛 而且連她們的網站也都做的超可愛
說到畫畫.......Orz 想畫的都還沒開始動工勒

anyway 她們的網站很可愛! 這是我要說的!! XD


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